Friday, January 21, 2011

A "Healthy" and Happy Morning Routine...

Okay, so my morning routine usually includes some sort of flaky pastry and a couple cups of a certain caffeine rich liquid we all rely on so I probably shouldn't refer to it as a "healthy" morning routine but in terms of mental health, you probably couldn't get a much better start to the day. I have fallen hard for my morning routine! Here are some photos of my newest favorite part of the day!
A good morning routine; Bristol, UK; Photo By El. K. B.
My favorite morning music selection is a combination of the following:
1. Lykke Li
2. Rihanna
3. Girl Talk
4. Florence and the Machine
5. Mumford & Sons

What's on your morning play list? What music starts you off on a good day?

My favorite morning spot; Bristol, UK;
Photo By El. K. B.

Almost finished my pastry; Bristol, UK; Photo by El. K. B.
I'd say out of all the morning routines I've had, this might be my favorite... I encourage you to find your perfect morning routine. 

What does your ideal morning look like? How do you start your day?

Big Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. My morning routine is get up at 6.30, try to beat Bristol rush hour, arrive at work just as it's the sky's turning salmon coloured. I so need music to take me there but January is a dark month whose pay day seems always just beyond the horizon... Come February I'll have a car radio. We do have a nice lady who makes tea cakes at 10:00 every day if I do fancy some buttery indulgence. I can even take a bite as big as your above ;) Roll on Spring...
