Monday, October 4, 2010

Arrived in Bristol... It's "lovely" to be here! :)

View from Attic Bedroom; Fog rolls in on Bristol City centre; Bristol, England
Well, I'm here in Bristol and so happy to be so after a loooong four days in London! I love London, and I know this could have happened to anyone/anywhere, but I had a very expensive camera stolen from my security locker (implying that the only people who could have possibly stolen it are the staff at the hostel) which, and I think anyone would agree with me, was slighty discouraging! 

I pretty much skipped out of that hostel!! That being said, the days I wasn't dealing with the police re: the camera... I enjoyed the city immensely visiting the Tate Modern, Harrods, the Tower Bridge, the Victoria & Albert Museum, Buckingham Palace... oh, the list goes on and on and I loved every second of it!

But the 4 days there did make me realize a very real fact, and that is that London is EXTREMELY expensive... more expensive than I remember it being! So I'm now faced with a dilemma... live in London or live in Bristol for the next 6 months?

I can spend significantly less money in Bristol (leaving me with a good chunk of change when friends/family come visit/travel in the spring/summer) and find a decent job PLUS stay with a family that I adore all while it only takes me two hours by bus (a very inexpensive bus) to get to London... it's a toss up?! What should I do... feel free to give any and all advice! 

London does, however, have a great atmosphere and really was the original fantasy destination of this crazy trip of mine.....but it may leave me without much money for travel in the spring.... which IS awfully high on my list of priorities! 


Anywho... having a blast here in Bristol... it's nice to be settled in somewhere... Ellen and the whole family have been fantastic and despite being torn, I'm quite excited about what's coming down the road!

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