Sunday, October 31, 2010

Falling Leaves

You know how I talked about how much I love Autumn in my last post? Well here's just a few photos of me enjoying my favorite season! Went on a lovely walk today through the falling leaves!
Leaves on the Ground; Yes those are new boots :); Photo by El. K. B. 
Little cottage on The Dingle; Photo By El. K. B. 
Yes, the road that cottage is located on is ACTUALLY called "The Dingle".. I love it! Y'know, I can't help but ask, when I really explore some of the more residential areas of Bristol, "Someone actually gets to LIVE there?" 

That cottage is one of those. Nestled in this really beautiful backdrop of brightly coloured falling leaves is the perfect little English Cottage.

Oh, "how sweet it is..." :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

A pair of Boots

It has been a very fun week filled with great ships and autumn colours! Fall has hit here and the world has put on an extra dose of "Eau-De-Autumn", as I like to call the scent that comes along with this season! I, personally, fall back in the love with that smell every year :)

Here are a couple photos I've taken over this last week in Bristol:
Boots at SS Great Britain Museum; Photo By El. K. B. 
Aboard the SS Great Britain; Photo By El. K. B. 
I've been pounding the pavement extra hard this week in search of that non-existent provider of cash-ola! But, thankfully, I have made some headway....I had an interview today and I'm feeling rather confident! Wish me luck! Things are happening people! 

Well, I'll let you know where I'm employed come the end of Monday... whether I'm employed at all I guess :S Don't want to get too cocky!

Much Love!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to Bristol....

Hi all! 

Wow what a whirlwind trip! I am quiet exhausted and was excited to have a day with Ellen and the kids to just relax. I had a FANTASTIC time in Greece and was more than sad to say Goodbye to the beach, the sun, the ocean, and some new friends... 

Here are a few more photos of my favorite times in the Nafplio....

Coming down the stairs from Ellen & Kos's Flat
Boardwalk along Nafplio waterfront....
My homemade Greek Dinners...
At the top of the Castle of was 999 steps to the top and the view was worth
EVERY step! Plus it makes for a good work out :) 
Dusk on my last night in Nafplio, on the boardwalk that goes
around the peninsula, sooo lovely!
Ladders into the water at my favorite beach in Nafplio...
UGH! It was a wonderful getaway! I can see why the Soumilas's LOVE it there so much! 

It was such a lovely trip and although it was sad to say goodbye, it is nice to be back in Bristol. I'm hard on the search for a job and look forward to finding something! Until I do, I have started re-doing the Soumilas's kitchen :) I love painting, so relaxing! 

Also, it gives me lots of time to Blog so keep checking in for more details!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nafplio, I love you!!!

I have arrived in Nafplio and although my first night here was quite wet, my first full day has been SPECTACULAR! And I don't use that word lightly I should add. It was incredibly warm today (close to lay-on-the-beach weather) and I hope tomorrow is another of the same. Every corner holds something more picturesque than the last....
Door across the street from Ellen & Kos's Flat; Nafplio, Greece
Street that flat is on; Nafplio, Greece
My favorite picture, so far, of the Greek Flag; Nafplio, Greece
Tomorrow I'm going to hike up to the Castle of Palamidi; all 999 steps to the top!! Wooooot!

Chat soon, 

PS. Here I am overlooking the view from the street the flat is on!
Me; Nafplio, Greece

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Recent Days and what Adventure lies ahead.....

Stone Carving on 
Cathedral; Bristol
HI ALL... I've spent a couple days in downtown Bristol (finally getting the hang of their transit system) and visited some incredible sights!! 

LOVE LOVE LOVE all the stone work in this city and have seen some amazing buildings and artwork....
Bristol Cathedral; Bristol

It's really something to walk into a cathedral thats older than you're whole country! Bristol Cathedral is gorgeous and I'll be going there to watch Konstantina's concert later this month! 

I love the history here and it is such a HUGE part of why I'm here... it makes me want to cry when I see such incredible craftmanship

This piece (to the left) was actually made in 1483... 

Blows me away! 

I have been riddled with homesickness recent days but seeing things like this, when I get tickles in my throat and I want to cry it's so beautiful, reminds me of why I'm here!

Love you all!

PS. JUST booked a flight to Greece for next week! Heading out on the 18th and back on the 24th! Probably wont have another chance for a week long trip until the spring so I'm off on a little adventure! 

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I LOVE THRIFT SHOPPING! And oh oh, its soooo awesome here! Found a couple FANTASTIC blazers today! Wish my girlfriends were here to enjoy it with me! Such great satisfaction in second-hand shopping... what a nice feeling to find a real gem amongst the oldies!

Having a fantastic time exploring Bristol... 


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Excited to get out there...

A damn cold stopped me in my tracks over the last few days but it's probably a good thing. I've been pushing myself to keep going for almost three weeks now... I maaay have burnt myself out a bit and who doesn't get sick after an airplane ride, they're gross!

But I'm excited to get out there and check out Bristol more... did you know that Bristol is Banksy's home town? I didn't! Until we went for a drive through downtown Bristol and I saw A LOT of original Banksy pieces! He is a Bristolian! I'm looking forward to getting out there and checking them out...

I did see a Shephard Fairey piece on my way here though!

I was pretty pleased to see this since JUST before I left home, I saw the documentary "Exit through the Giftshop" which Shephard Fairey was hugely featured in. 

Here's the view from my room this morning... I love it!

I'll keep you posted on what I'm up to next! I can't believe I've only been in the UK for a week and a day... feels like its' been so much longer... I don't know why, I guess because I've done so much! It's been jam packed already!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Arrived in Bristol... It's "lovely" to be here! :)

View from Attic Bedroom; Fog rolls in on Bristol City centre; Bristol, England
Well, I'm here in Bristol and so happy to be so after a loooong four days in London! I love London, and I know this could have happened to anyone/anywhere, but I had a very expensive camera stolen from my security locker (implying that the only people who could have possibly stolen it are the staff at the hostel) which, and I think anyone would agree with me, was slighty discouraging! 

I pretty much skipped out of that hostel!! That being said, the days I wasn't dealing with the police re: the camera... I enjoyed the city immensely visiting the Tate Modern, Harrods, the Tower Bridge, the Victoria & Albert Museum, Buckingham Palace... oh, the list goes on and on and I loved every second of it!

But the 4 days there did make me realize a very real fact, and that is that London is EXTREMELY expensive... more expensive than I remember it being! So I'm now faced with a dilemma... live in London or live in Bristol for the next 6 months?

I can spend significantly less money in Bristol (leaving me with a good chunk of change when friends/family come visit/travel in the spring/summer) and find a decent job PLUS stay with a family that I adore all while it only takes me two hours by bus (a very inexpensive bus) to get to London... it's a toss up?! What should I do... feel free to give any and all advice! 

London does, however, have a great atmosphere and really was the original fantasy destination of this crazy trip of mine.....but it may leave me without much money for travel in the spring.... which IS awfully high on my list of priorities! 


Anywho... having a blast here in Bristol... it's nice to be settled in somewhere... Ellen and the whole family have been fantastic and despite being torn, I'm quite excited about what's coming down the road!